Offering a voice, presence, and moving energy on any of these social media platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. Building presence & engagement with your audience, and grow your database.
Different packages are possible and can include copy, new content, up-cycling & reviving older content.
Custom-made Instagram grids. ( Available in fully custom-made branding or simple branding. )
Social Media

Content Creation
Is it time to build a presence on social media?
Content creation is when you provide free, educational content as a way to nurture the audience you already have and let your new audience to get to know you and your business.
This can include creation of new content, up-cycling, and revising older content such as memes, audio memes, blogs, audio clips, video clips, podcast, copy.

WORDS have power. They can be used to inspire & invite. They can be used to destroy.
What COPY is your business asking for?
Copy for website, emails, blogs, ads, social media posts, lead magnets etc
STORY BRANDING is the copy that identifies your customer and your business identity. It takes less than a minute for a customer to feel heard and seen or go on to someone who will. Is your business talking the language your customer needs to hear?
This can be a one-off creation or a monthly package.
story branding
One of the ways to create a pull and build trust with your audience is to have a brand that stands out and matches the energy of your business. Even if people don’t know what energy is, it is the first message that comes across. Let's make that first impression a good one!
Branding is done through unified graphic design throughout your logo, website, graphics and all your social media platforms. This service offers a mood board and can include a personalized logo, colors & fonts, graphic example, website design example, invoice, business cards, etc.
Available in fully custom-made branding or simple branding.


Graphics that radiates the energy of your product, business or event that tells a story and invites before words can.
This service can be anything a single graphic, graphic pack ( with different sizes ) or a graphic bundle.
Available in fully custom-made branding or simple branding.
Starting from 75€/hour
Podcast Creation
Building a podcast for people to get to know you and what your business is all about in a more direct, vulnerable, and personal way. Let's make it a source for education, building trust with your audience, and inspiration. Feel supported in "putting yourself out there" and building longterm trust & recognition with current and future customers.
Set-up + branding + copy + idea
Starting from 75€/hour

Instill SEO for your blogs on your website. People often look for first help on google these days.
It can be a great way to talk about all the things you love, add affiliate links if you can ( books, classes, business platforms, etc. ) and allows you to earn passive income.
This service includes copy ( based on the resources you provide), and can include a monthly package or one blog at a time. It can also include graphics and/ or memes.
Starting from 75€/hour
Sidekick & Futurist

Are you clear on what your business needs? Are you clear on what you need? You lack ideas & creativity? Feel unmotivated?
Why not have a weekly / bi-weekly / monthly creation call to get things moving and happy? A moving business is a thriving business! A thriving business is a happy you.
This can include facilitation, co-creation on your projects, or guidance & space for you to have clarity.
Starting from 120€/hour

What is it about? Why did you choose this to be your business? What makes you and your services different? What exactly do you offer?
Who are you?
This service includes branding ( simple or fully custom-made ), imagery, all that is required to have the website up and running and holding hands + support all the way
It can also include copy, set up of a shop, CRM ( customer service ) and email marketing
Starting at 3000€
Extra pages or refresh | starting from 75€/hour